For the employer

Consequences of lack of balance


Consequences for the organization

Organizations that do not contribute to the work-life balance of their employees may face the following challenges[1, 2, 3]:

  • Higher employee turnover, lower employee loyalty, increased costs of selecting and training new employees;
  • More frequent absence of employees from work;
  • Reduced employee productivity and involvement in the organization’s activities;
  • Increased job dissatisfaction;
  • Employees who do not return back to the organization after their career break;
  • Increased overtime;
  • Poor reputation of the company;

Consequences for employees

Employees facing difficulties in balancing work and personal life may experience the following consequences[1]:

  • Poorer mental and physical health;
  • Lower satisfaction with life;
  • Higher stress;
  • Greater emotional fatigue;
  • Lower physical activity;
  • Employees are more likely to begin abusing alcohol;
  • Increased levels of anxiety and depression;
  • Poor appetite; and

[1] European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, E-Facts 57: Family issues and work-life balance, 2012.

[2] Fair Work Ombudsman. “Best Practice Guide: Parental Leave“, 2013.

[3] Vyas, I., Shrivastava, D. “Factors Affecting Work Life Balance – A Review”, Pacific Business Review International (Vol 9, Issue 7), 2017.