Websites A website administered by the Office of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson, where you will find all the information on how to implement an equal opportunities policy in the workplace.


“The Fix”, Michelle P. King. A book about barriers at work that prevent women from moving up the career ladder and how to overcome them. The author of the book presents specific steps that leaders of organizations should take so that all of their employees, regardless of gender, can reach their full potential, improve and contribute to the success of the organization. The book is also useful for those who do not hold any managerial position but would like to contribute to the creation and sustainability of a friendly work environment.

“Work-Life Balance”, Harvard Business Review. A book on setting boundaries between personal life and work. It covers a wide range of topics related to the challenges of balancing personal life and work.


The Fix with Michelle King (English)


The Coordination of Personal Life and Work: the Role of Employers, 2022

Work-Life Balance: How to Foster It in Companies? A Case Study 2021


Research conducted by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)

  1. Eligibility for parental leave in EU Member States, 2020.

This research overviews the parental leave policies implemented in the Member States of the European Union and identifies groups of women and men who are at a disadvantage when it comes to balancing work and family life.

  1. Women and the economy: care responsibilities and insecure jobs limit women’s empowerment, 2020.

A brief overview of the impact of women’s unpaid labour in the family on the pay gap and the economy in general.

  1. Gender Equality Index 2019: Work-life balance, 2019.

The Gender Equality Index 2019 focuses on the situation of work-life balance in the European Union. It describes in detail and compares the distribution of family care and housework chores among women and men.

  1. Gender Equality Index 2019: Lithuania, 2019.

The Gender Equality Index 2019 of Lithuania presents the work-life balance in the country based on national indicators in areas such as parental leave policy, care for the elderly and the disabled, flexible working conditions, etc.

  1. Tackling the gender pay gap: not without a better work-life balance, 2019.

This overview discusses the pay gap between men and women in the European Union and how it relates to balancing family, work and personal life.

Research conducted by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound)

  1. Living, working and COVID-19, 2020.

This research analyses how the significant increase in remote work due to the COVID-19 outbreak affects the work-life balance and the quality of work in the European Union.

  1. Regulations to address work–life balance in digital flexible working arrangements, 2020.

The publication describes the impact of remote work on work-life balance, and presents the legal measures implemented in the European Union which are applied for working from home and ensuring the rights of employees working remotely.

  1. Out-of-school care: Provision and public policy, 2020.

The study overviews the extracurricular activities offered to children in the European Union, Norway and the United Kingdom, the quality thereof, involvement, and various other related barriers. The aim of the research is to determine how to better combine extracurricular activities of children with the work-life balance of their parents.

  1. Gender equality at work, 2020.

This study aims to provide more context for the correlation between work and gender equality in the European Union: it takes a closer look at the working conditions of men and women, and draws attention to various gaps, including in the area of work-life balance.

  1. Rest breaks from work: Overview of regulations, research and practice, 2019.

This study overviews the legal measures taken by the Member States of the European Union to ensure the right of employees to rest and to have a good work-life balance, as well as analyses the correlation between rest breaks from work, health and productivity.

  1. Parental and paternity leave – Uptake by fathers, 2019.

This study presents various parental and paternity leave policies in place in the European Union and compares various aspects thereof, such as: duration, benefits, availability, and number of parents exercising this right.

  1. Burnout in the workplace: A review of data and policy responses in the EU, 2018.

A study of the burnout suffered by European Union citizens in their workplace. It analyses the determinants and consequences of this phenomenon and presents national strategies and policies of the Member States to prevent the said burnout.

  1. Striking a balance: Reconciling work and life in the EU, 2018.

The aim of this study is to take a closer look at how European Union citizens maintain a work-life balance, what difficulties do they face, and what are their priorities.

Eurobarometer surveys

  1. Work-life balance, 2018.

International Flash Eurobarometer survey results which reflect the views of European citizens on the different ways of balancing work and personal life. The survey focuses on employee satisfaction with their work-life balance, the availability of means to ensure the said balance, the reasons for the use of such means, etc.

  1. Gender Equality 2017, 2017.

The results and findings of the international Flash Eurobarometer survey on gender equality, which focuses on the views of European citizens on gender equality in politics and work. The topic of work-life balance is addressed in the sections “Perceptions of general gender stereotypes” and “Perception of the share of housework and caring activities”.

Research conducted by the Ministry of Social Security and Labour

  1. Differences in the Situation of Women and Men in Lithuania: Research Report, 2017.

The aim of this national research is to analyse the situation of women and men in Lithuania and to identify the most significant differences. It also discusses the topics of gender equality at work and work-life balance, and the opportunities for the Lithuanian population to self-realize, rest and take care of their health.

Studies conducted by the Office of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson

  1. Representative public opinion poll on gender stereotypes and violence, 2018-2019.

This national survey focuses on the views of Lithuanian citizens regarding topics such as gender equality, masculinity, domestic violence, and relations between men and women. The latter also touches on the aspect of balancing work, family and personal life.

  1. Balancing work and family life in the public and private sectors, 2018.

The study aims to determine whether there is a need to balance work and family life in the public and private sectors in Lithuania during the first year of child-rearing, and what measures would encourage employees to return back to work after parental leave.

Legal regulation

References to laws, legal acts and other documents regulating the measures for balancing work and personal life:

Directive (EU) 2019/1158 of the European Parliament and of the Council on work-life balance for parents and carers

Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania

Labour Code of the Republic of Lithuania

Republic of Lithuania Law on Sickness and Maternity Social Insurance

Republic of Lithuania Law on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men

Republic of Lithuania Law on Social Integration of the Disabled

Republic of Lithuania Law on Social Services

Republic of Lithuania Law on Families

Republic of Lithuania Law on Transport Privileges

Republic of Lithuania Law on Minimum and Medium Child Care

Republic of Lithuania Law on Child Benefits

Republic of Lithuania Law on State Social Assistance Benefits

Republic of Lithuania Law on Civil Service