For the employer
- The beginning
- For the employer
- Consequences of lack of balance
How to talk to colleagues and executives about your family and personal life issues?
How to enable employees to balance work and personal life?
Policy implementation steps in the organization
How to balance your work and personal life better? Methods and means
- Flexible work schedule
- Remote work
- Flexible work schedule
- Individual work schedule
- Additional days off for family and personal reasons
- Career counselling
- Measures for employees on parental leave
- Workplace guarantees and financial incentives to employees caring for family members
- Children’s rooms, kindergartens and childcare services
- Organization of informal education for employees’ children
- Benefits for recreational activities
- Benefits for health promotion
- Employer-paid benefits and bonuses
How to assess work-life balance in an organization
Consequences of lack of balance
Consequences for the organization
Organizations that do not contribute to the work-life balance of their employees may face the following challenges[1, 2, 3]:
- Higher employee turnover, lower employee loyalty, increased costs of selecting and training new employees;
- More frequent absence of employees from work;
- Reduced employee productivity and involvement in the organization’s activities;
- Increased job dissatisfaction;
- Employees who do not return back to the organization after their career break;
- Increased overtime;
- Poor reputation of the company;
Consequences for employees
Employees facing difficulties in balancing work and personal life may experience the following consequences[1]:
- Poorer mental and physical health;
- Lower satisfaction with life;
- Higher stress;
- Greater emotional fatigue;
- Lower physical activity;
- Employees are more likely to begin abusing alcohol;
- Increased levels of anxiety and depression;
- Poor appetite; and
[1] European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, E-Facts 57: Family issues and work-life balance, 2012.
[2] Fair Work Ombudsman. “Best Practice Guide: Parental Leave“, 2013.
[3] Vyas, I., Shrivastava, D. “Factors Affecting Work Life Balance – A Review”, Pacific Business Review International (Vol 9, Issue 7), 2017.
How to talk to colleagues and executives about your family and personal life issues?
How to enable employees to balance work and personal life?
Policy implementation steps in the organization
How to balance your work and personal life better? Methods and means
- Flexible work schedule
- Remote work
- Flexible work schedule
- Individual work schedule
- Additional days off for family and personal reasons
- Career counselling
- Measures for employees on parental leave
- Workplace guarantees and financial incentives to employees caring for family members
- Children’s rooms, kindergartens and childcare services
- Organization of informal education for employees’ children
- Benefits for recreational activities
- Benefits for health promotion
- Employer-paid benefits and bonuses
How to assess work-life balance in an organization