For employees
- The beginning
- For employees
- Workplace guarantees and financial incentives to employees caring for family members
How to balance your work and personal life better? Methods and means
- Remote work
- Flexible work schedule
- Individual work schedule
- Part-time work
- Additional days off for family and personal reasons
- Career counselling
- Measures for employees on parental leave
- Children’s rooms, kindergartens and childcare services
- Organization of informal education for employees’ children
- Benefits for recreational activities
- Benefits for health promotion
- Employer-paid benefits and bonuses
- Personal needs and overcoming challenges
How to talk to colleagues and executives about your family and personal life issues?
Detachment from work-related issues during rest time
Workplace guarantees and financial incentives to employees caring for family members
Financial support
An organization can provide financial support to employees caring for their family members in several ways:
- By paying targeted benefits to the employee as a salary bonus;
- By covering the costs of nursing and care incurred and proven by the employee;
- By funding the necessary nursing and care services directly.
Financial support can be of a defined amount and provided for a specific period, i.e. by establishing a period of financial support and the percentage of payment, in the case of partial funding. These conditions must be applied equally to all employees.
Workplace guarantees
An employee may agree with the employer on a flexible work schedule, individual work schedule, remote work, part-time work, or unpaid leave in order to balance work with caring for a family member. The employer is obliged by the Labour Code to assist the employee in fulfilling his/her family responsibilities (see Article 28).
How to balance your work and personal life better? Methods and means
- Remote work
- Flexible work schedule
- Individual work schedule
- Part-time work
- Additional days off for family and personal reasons
- Career counselling
- Measures for employees on parental leave
- Children’s rooms, kindergartens and childcare services
- Organization of informal education for employees’ children
- Benefits for recreational activities
- Benefits for health promotion
- Employer-paid benefits and bonuses
- Personal needs and overcoming challenges
How to talk to colleagues and executives about your family and personal life issues?
Detachment from work-related issues during rest time